Friday, March 19, 2010

The Auto Rickshaw

Also known as: The two-stroke tuk-tuk.

Auto rickshaws are to Bangalore what yellow taxis are to New York City. Except you have to haggle with the driver because it's assumed that a foreign sahib will pay at least 1.5 times what the meter reads, if you can get the driver to turn the meter on in the first place. The meter will charge roughly $0.20 per mile. As long as you don't think about how dangerous it is to ride in one, they're actually pretty fun.

Here's a video I took riding one during the day:

And another video riding one at night:


  1. Marvelous! :-) Dad

  2. The blogs are great Rebecca -- u really are making the most of it!
    Enjoy -

  3. you forgot to mention the best part - they're electric!
